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Insightloupe has a dedicated server that allows users to use utilities like Data Download, Relevancy Screening, Bulk Summaries, etc. while working on a project. Users can download the data and then use the downloaded data in their projects without any third-party legal obligations. Access the workbench by clicking here

These utilities on workbench are divided into 3 different categories:

Patent Data Downloads

The Patent Data Downloads are further categorized into 3 different categories:

  • Patent Data Download
  • EP Validation
  • Sadiq Conversion

Patent Data Download

This option enables the user to fetch all the bibliographic information, simple family members, and images related to patent publications.

  1. Click on the patent data download tab.
  2. Download the template using the “Download template” option
  3. Populate the data in the Excel file.
  4. If you also want to download data of simple family members of the uploaded patents, select the “Fetch details for simple family members” checkbox.
    • This will fetch the data for the requested patent number(s) along with their simple family members.
  5. If you also want to download images related to patent publication, select the “Extract first images for the publications” checkbox.
    • This will download the images for the patent that the user is downloading. The downloaded images are stored on Insightloupe and when the user uploads data to any project then these images will also be displayed in the drawings tab.
  6. Click on the “select Excel file” option and upload the file
  7. Click on the “upload” button.
  8. To download the data, click on the link under the output column of List of previous download requests.

EP Validations

This only allows users to upload EP patent numbers. This option enables the user to fetch all the bibliographic data, EP register events, and validation details of the patent publication.

  1. Click on the EP Validation tab.
  2. Download the template using the Download Template option.
  3. Populate the data in the Excel file.
  4. Select the Extract Validation Details checkbox if you want to fetch the Validation details and Validation chart data along with the Bibliographic and Register Event of the uploaded EP patents.
    • If the checkbox is unselected only bibliographic data and register events will be downloaded.
  5. Click on the Select Excel file option and upload the file.
  6. Click on the Upload button.
  7. To download the data, click on the link under the output column of List of previous download requests.

Sadiq Conversion

This option enables users to convert values from mol% of compound to weight% and vice-versa. Follow the steps provided below to convert the values:

  1. Click on the Sadiq Conversion tab.
  2. Download the template using the Download Template option and populate the excel file.
    • While populating the excel file, please provide the compound formula instead of compound name e.g: SiO2 instead of Si oxide.
  3. Select the conversion type Weight to Mol or Mol to Weight in which you want to convert the min and max values of the compound
  4. Click on the Select Excel file option and upload the file.
  5. Click on the Upload button.
  6. To download the data, click on the link under the output column of List of previous download requests.

Relevancy Screening

This feature enables users to preform the R/NR analysis of a set of patents. The relevancy screening uses the training data set (provided by user in excel template) or already trained model for a specific client to perform the R/NR analysis on the set of patents. Follow the steps provided below to perform the R/NR analysis:

  1. Click on the Relevancy Screening option on the Workbench.
  2. Download the template using the Download Template option.
  3. The excel file will have Training and Testing sheet.
    • Training: This sheet contains two columns: Patent Number and Relevancy. Provide a sample set of manual analysis in this sheet. Below are best practices to prepare training data:
      • Training set should at least have 30 relevant and 30 not relevant patent so that model has sufficient data to learn from.
      • There should be a significant ratio of both relevant and non-relevant documents.
      • In the Training Sheet mark the relevant as 1 and non-relevant patent as 0.
    • Testing: This sheet contains only 1 column: Patent Number. Provide a list of patent numbers that you want the system to analyze automatically.
  4. Enter the Name of the Job in the field.
  5. In the Client dropdown enter the client’s name for which you are doing the relevancy screening.
    • The generate trained model for that client can be reused using the client’s name in future updates of the same project.
  6. In the Charge code field, enter the Charge Code of the project.
    • Click on Don't have charge code if your project charge code hasn’t been created yet, and then enter the project’s Opportunity ID in the provided field.
  7. Select the fields from the patent that is to be used for the training the classification modal.
  8. Click on the select file option and upload the excel file and click on the Upload button.

The output excel file will have following sheets:

  • Summary: This sheet will include the count of total documents in the testing sheet, the count of relevant documents, non-relevant documents, and remaining documents (those whose relevance status couldn’t be marked with very high probability).
  • Relevant Doucments: This sheet include all the patents which are identified as relevant with 97% accuracy.
  • Non-Relevant: This sheet include all the patents which are identified as non-relevant with 97% accuracy.
  • Remaining Doucments: This sheet includes all the patents whose relevance status couldn’t be marked. For the remaining patents, their relevance probability will be mentioned next to the patent number. Patents with a relevance probability below 50% will be termed as non-relevant, while those above 50% will be termed as relevant. However, the user needs to manually analyze the patents in the remaining sheet for better accuracy.

Bulk Summaries

This feature enables users to generate and export different types of patent summaries for multiple patents in 1 go. These patent summaries allow users to quickly understand the patent in a more simplified manner. Follow the steps provided below to generate bulk summaries:

  1. Click on the Bulk Summaries option on the Workbench.
  2. Download the template using the Download Template option.
    • In the template add the patent number for which you want to generate the summaries.
  3. Enter the Job name, client, and Domain in the respective fields.
    • The Patent summaries will be generated in context to the Domain provided by the user.
    • By using the {{domain}} format in the custom prompt, you can input the domain (entered in the Domain field) into different sections while creating the custom prompt.
  4. In the Charge code field, enter the Charge Code of the project.
    • Click on Don't have charge code if your project charge code hasn’t been created yet, and then enter the project’s Opportunity ID in the provided field.
  5. Click on the Select file option and upload the excel file and click on the Upload button.
  6. The patent data will be fetched from the data server and once it’s complete click on Manage prompt button to select the summary type you want to generate corresponding to the uploaded patents.
  7. In the Manage Prompt section, 6 default prompts will be available. Click on any of the available prompt to select one.
    • Evaluate a prompt by clicking the Evaluate button, which will generate summaries for a subset of first 5 patents in the uploaded excel file.
    • Users can also create a custom prompt to generate a different type of summary of the patent. Please refer to the Create New Prompt
  8. Click on the Finalize button to finalize the summary type and go to the main page.
    • The User must evaluate the prompt once to finalize it.
    • The output file will only contain summaries generated for the finalized prompts. Summaries will not be generated for prompts that are not finalized.
  9. Click on the Generate Summary button to generate the summary based on the finalized prompt.
  10. After the generation is complete, an output file will be available under the output column.

Create New Prompt

Follow the steps provided below to create a new custom prompt:

  1. Click on the Create New Prompt button on the Manage Prompt page.
  2. Provide a Name to the custom prompt and provide the description in the field.
  3. Select the fields based on which the summary will be generated to the patents.
  4. Enter the Minimum Word Limit in the field.
    • Here Minimum Word Limit determines the required amount of content needed to generate the summary of patent. Eg if Abstract and Description are selected in the fields, then the total content from the provided fields (Abstract and Description) should be more than the Minimum Word Limit and if the content is less than the specified Minimum Word Limit, the summary will not be generated.
  5. Enter the Context on the custom prompt.
    • The Context section should include the specific scenario for how you want to analyze the patent. For example: You are an expert in IP within the telecommunication domain.
  6. Enter the Objective of the custom prompt.
    • The Objective section should outline how you want to summarize your patent and specify the key aspects to be included in the summary.
  7. Enter the Formatting Guidelines and the Section you want generate in the summary and click on Update Button.
    • Formatting Guidelines will include details such as word limit for your summary, use of Bold or Italic to highlight key terms, etc.
    • The Section should outline how you want to structure your summary, specifying the different types of sections to include and the corresponding content for each section. For example, in a Feature and Benefits Analysis summary, you have a Key Features section that includes specific components, methods, or processes of the invention, an Advantages/Benefits section that details the advantages the invention offers, and a Limitations section.
  8. Upon creating the prompt, Evaluate the prompt to review the generated summary till you are satisfied with the summary and then click on the Update button to save the changes